Founded in 1907; Registration No.: S-550, Delhi
Regd. Office : Center for Advanced study in Mathematics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-411 007, India

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Manuscript Style:
Manuscripts (including bibliographies, tables, etc.) should be typed double spaced on A4 size white paper with 1 inch (2.5 cm.) margins on all sides with font size 11 pt., in LaTeX. While typing in LaTeX, the following Preamble be used:

\documentclass[11 pt,a4paper,twoside,reqno]{amsart}
\textwidth = 12.5 cm
\textheight = 20 cm
\topmargin = 0.5 cm
\oddsidemargin = 1 cm
\evensidemargin = 1 cm

Sections should appear in the following order :
Title Page,
Notes and

Comments or replies to previously published articles should also follow this format with the exception of abstracts.

Title Page: The Title page should include the manuscript title, authors' names & permanent affiliations and the name, address & e-mail address of author(s).
Note - Page proof of accepted paper and watermarked soft copy of reprint will be sent to the Corresponding Author.

Abstract: The following page should include an abstract of not more than 100 words, a list of two to six key words and AMS subject classification (2000).

Text: The text of the manuscript should begin on a new page. The introduction should have heading number 1. Subsequent section headings (including appendices) should be designated by Hindu-Arabic numerals (2,3, etc.) and subsection headings should be numbered 2.1, 2.2, etc. Figures, tables and displayed equations should be numbered section wise consecutively throughout the text (1, 2, etc.). Equation numbers should appear flush right in parentheses and running variables for equation (e.g., i =1,2,3, n) flush right in parentheses.

References: Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with the Authors. References in the body of the text should be in cross-reference style ((\cite{}) mode in LaTeX). Example: as mentioned in (\cite{}, \cite{}), Ramanujan (\cite{}) obtained the following result.
Reference list at the end should be in alphabetical order of last name (not initials) and should be in bibliographic cross references mode/style.


Reference to a journal publication:
[1]. Birkhoff, G., Neutral elements in general lattices,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (1940), 702--705.
In LaTeX,
\bibitem{Birk} Birkhoff, G., Neutral elements in general lattices, \textit{Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.}, {\bf{46}}(1940), 702--705.

Reference to a book:
[1]. Munkres, J., Elements of Algebraic Topology,
Addison Wesley, 1984.
In LaTeX,
\bibitem{Munkres} Munkres, J., \textit{Elements of Algebraic Topology}, Addison Wesley, 1984.

Illustration Style: Originals for illustrations should be sharp and of good contrast. Each Figure and Table should be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively using Hindu-Arabic numerals. For each Figure and Table, its desired location in the text should be clearly specified. Each Figure and Table must have a caption. Example of proper style for captions : Figure 1 or Table 1. Suggested Figure formats are : TIFF, GIF, EPS, PPT and Postscript. Files should be at least 300 dpi. Figures in tikz are also welcome.